Thursday, April 26, 2012

week in the life

I have always loved Ali Edward's 'Week in the Life' series that she does each year. I decided to take the plunge this year and attempt my own week in the life album. I take no where near the amount of pictures she does each day (she averages like 80!) but I am trying to be more intentional about taking pictures throughout my day and capture little details. Here are some of my shots so far:

One thing that I have noticed throughout this week is the lack of photots of Jordy and his own activities. He's been working a lot this week so maybe that's why I'm missing out on these photos but I am hoping to make up for it on the weekend!

I've also realized that I take a lot of pictures of food (lol).

My plan is to print off all the pictures and write up some simple journaling blocks so that I can assemble the album next weekend at National Scrapbooking Day. I will be sure to post pictures once it is complete!

Have any of you participated in a 'Week in the Life' before? What has your experience been?

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