Saturday, March 5, 2011

project life: february

1st week of February
- Jordy's Birthday
- Breakfast date at Smitty's 
- Re-decorating the craft room

2nd week of February
- Lunch with Lanah
- Mom coming for a visit
- Lemon meringue pie
- Valentine's Day flowers

3rd week of February
- New hot pink slippers
- A complete baking failure
- YQ weekend
- A sad trip to Cold Lake

4th week of February
- Making nerdy monsters
- 105 skeins of craft floss
- Date night at Timmies
- New shoes!
- Progress on my quilt


  1. Good job, L. Next time I visit could we try to get a photo where I'm not stuffing my face? ^)

  2. I like the way you do your albums, it's simple but looks great :-)


thank you so much for leaving me a little note! i appreciate each and every comment :)