Monday, May 2, 2011

inspire me monday

Today's edition of 'inspire me monday' is a little bit different than usual. Rather than sharing a quote with you that i have found inspiring I thought I would share a product. While I was at Canadian Tire yesterday puttering around the gardening section I couldn't help but go and look at the paint swatches. I have always loved looking at the display of them. Maybe it's the organization of all the colors, maybe it's the funny names that so many of them, I don't know what it is but I can't help but pick up a few whenever I walk past them. I thought that today I would share some things I found to be inspiring using ordinary paint chips, hope you enjoy!

What's been inspiring you lately?

1 comment:

  1. That wall with the paint strokes and names of the colour is too cute. Looks like someone is trying to decide what colour they should be using on their wall. Love it!


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